Yonyou Client Appreciation Dinner 2019
    Yonyou Client Appreciation Dinner 2019

    To appreciate the supports from clients and help them better understand our businesses, the annual Yonyou Appreciation …

    The “One Belt and One Road “strategy,Don’t let financial management lag behind
    The “One Belt and One Road “strategy,Don’t let financial management lag behind

    April 25-27,the second “One Belt and One Road” Forum for International Cooperation was held. Over the past five years, the “One Belt and One Road” initiative has made remarkable achievements. Nowadays, more than 150 countries and international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China on jointly building the “One Belt and One Road” initiative. Financial […]

    Yonyou NC Cloud Shared Finance, Empower Group Enterprises
    Yonyou NC Cloud Shared Finance, Empower Group Enterprises

    At present, the global economy is at the beginning of a new cycle. With the emergence of a new round of scientific and industrial revolution, China’s economy will enter a new era to achieve high-quality economic growth. To adapt to the new normal of the economy, the group enterprises are also actively seeking for transformation and development and expecting to realize operation and management upgrading with the help of new technologies.

    12 trends the food industry needs to watch out for in 2017
    12 trends the food industry needs to watch out for in 2017

    In today’s interconnected global economy, technology is driving pervasive disruption in many industries, including food & beverage, where change is taking place on many fronts – from production, distribution all the way to retail and consumption.

    Gartner 最新调研报告
    Gartner 最新调研报告

    Gartner 最新调研报告:2017年IT支出将达3.5万亿美金,云端应用已成大势所趋

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