About Eco Special Waste Management

Founded in 1997 and 100% owned by Beijing Capital, ECO Special Waste Management Pte Ltd is one of the leading waste management solutions providers in Singapore. 

ECO is located on a 7 hectares plot of land at 21/23 Tuas View Circuit and is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a fleet of over 40 waste collection vehicles.

It serves industries such as petrochemical, pharmaceutical, life science, aerospace, institutions, oil and gas, power generation, electronics, marine, engineering, and semiconductor.




Singapore, SEA

Company Size


The Challenge

Heavy reliance on manual labor

Chemical waste plants require a fair bit of manual labor to keep things running smoothly. However, as ECO gears up for expansion and anticipates a sizable increase in processing volumes, they’re looking to minimize manual tasks like equipment monitoring with the help of digital tools. By digitalizing these processes, ECO can expect to reduce human error and improve overall efficiency.

Safety and compliance concerns

ECO prioritizes ensuring equipment safety. Malfunctioning equipment can lead to leaks, fires, or explosions, jeopardizing the company’s operations, safety record, and public image. Because many chemicals used or produced in waste treatment are flammable or explosive, proper handling procedures and well-established equipment monitoring systems are essential to prevent these incidents.

Data collection & visualization tools for better decision-making

Data visualization plays a crucial role in identifying areas for resource optimization and cost savings within a chemical waste plant. To achieve this, ECO wants to ensure a robust data foundation. This means collecting and validating data meticulously to create a reliable database. With this reliable data, the management team can then leverage data visualization tools to generate insights that inform better decision-making.

The Solution

Enhancing Workplace Safety and Compliance with AI-powered IoT Monitoring

Yonyou implemented a real-time AIoT system that retrieves plant performance data. This system goes beyond monitoring by determining start-up and operation times, and triggering alarms for any abnormal equipment performance. This enables predictive analysis and intelligent monitoring, ultimately reducing human error and enhancing workplace safety.

Mobile and user-friendly interface for plant workers

Real-time data from the AIoT system feeds into Yonyou’s Office Automation platform, which automatically generates reports for chemical plant workers. Workers can then verify, validate, and add comments directly within the reports, flagging any potential issues that require investigation. Yonyou’s mobile-friendly interface makes this process convenient, allowing workers to interact and input data on the go.

Integration of Office Automation & AIoT tools with pre-existing ERP & SCADA system

Yonyou’s integrated Office Automation and AIoT platform seamlessly connects with ECO’s existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV and SCADA system, creating a fully automated process. Real-time data flows across all platforms, ensuring consistency. On-the-ground staff interact with the user-friendly Office Automation interface, while the AIoT-SCADA platform handles backend equipment integration. ECO’s management gains real-time data visualization of plant performance through Yonyou’s tool, empowering them to make data-driven decisions.