In view of the challenging situation of the novel corona virus (Covid-2019) outbreak, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) strongly supports the Singapore government’s efforts of putting together an assistance package to help communities in China affected by the outbreak. Yonyou Singapore, as a socially responsible Chinese enterprise, has actively provided an online donation system for SCCCI to help fight the epidemic.


Members of SCCCI who would like to contribute may send cheques to SCCCI appointed donation centres (for mailing addresses please refer to those listed below) before 29 February 2020. Please make the cheque payable to ‘Singapore Red Cross Society’. Kindly leave your full name, address & contact details and indicate “Coronavirus Response 2020” at the back of your cheque. SCCCI will be sending all donations to Singapore Red Cross Society.  Donations to overseas efforts are not tax deductible.

For enquiries, please contact Trista Wei @64308355 / or Gu Zecheng @ 64308317 /

有意捐款者,请于2月29日之前将支票(收款人注明:Singapore Red Cross Society)寄交至本会指定捐款地址,详情附后。请在支票背面留下您的姓名、邮政地址、联系方式并注明“助抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎”。所筹善款将由商会统一呈交至新加坡红十字会。所有捐往海外的款项,将无法享受税务减免。如有疑问,可电邮 /,或拨电:6430 8317 或6430 8355联络顾则成女士或魏瑄萱小姐。谢谢!

Donation Locations
Yonyou Mobile Portal
Yonyou Portal

Wuhan during lock down period. We fight together against Covid-2019.
