On November 6, 2020, sponsored by the new finance magazine the 15th China CFO and 2019 China CFO of a person of the year award ceremony was held in Beijing, hundreds of national political, business and academic experts and scholars together, around the mission of the era of ” The mission and Responsibility of CFO in the post-epidemic Era””, the theme of the joint is discussed under the new economic situation, the development of China’s accounting theory and practice and in the future!

In the Meeting, guests discussed under the global outbreak of China economic trends, challenges and opportunities, CFO digital economy era, international financial reporting standards, the international financial system reform and enterprise capital strategy, intelligent technology and the mission of the CFO and bear, and a series of hot topics, and witness the crown of “2019 China CFO person of the year”.

2019 China CFO person of the year competition theme as “leading the modernization of corporate governance CFO”, strive to look for the past year to promote in the enterprise to promote management system innovation, leading the new revolution of science and technology, explore new business models and the modernization of corporate governance, head of corporate finance, and in the coming year is dedicated to promote their advanced theory and practical experience. This is not only the criteria for the selection of “CFO Of the Year 2019 in China”, but also an important driving force for the development of China’s market economy. The selection will not only help enterprises improve their management level, but also lead enterprises to transform and upgrade, and it is also the epitome of China’s economic development. Two large corporate clients served by Yonyou, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., LTD., and MCC Baosteel Technology Services Co., LTD., won awards at the conference, and Yonyou network itself was also awarded the “2019 China CFO Preferred Intelligent Financial Manufacturer Award”.

Under the support of science and technology and economy, the application of new science and intelligence technology makes it inevitable for enterprises to realize value creation in such aspects as deepening financial sharing operation, promoting integrated development of industry and finance, accelerating lean management accounting, intelligent reporting and decision-making, and efficient financial operation. China’s financial cloud market is at the initial stage of rapid development, especially under the impact of the epidemic in 2020. As the core sector of enterprises, finance is facing different challenges and is expected to maintain rapid growth in the next few years. IDC expects the financial cloud to continue to grow rapidly over the next five years as a hybrid cloud deployment. In terms of the overall competitive pattern, Yonyou occupies 18.3% of China’s financial cloud market share, with a year-on-year growth of 103.2%, ranking first. At the same time, according to the 2019-2020 Chinese Cloud Computing Market Annual Report released by IDC, Yonyou ranked first in the market share of financial management software in China in 2019.

In digital age, Yonyou will build and operation of the world’s leading business innovation platform (BIP), in line with comprehensive, integrated, service, scene, several intellectualization, platform, service concept of localization and socialization, globalization, from financial sharing, financial accounting, managerial accounting, Treasury management, tax management, data services and international services, create financial platform for intellectualization of the intelligence, help enterprises to realize real-time financial accounting, intelligence, the service enterprise financial number intellectualization transformation and business model innovation.

In the future, Yonyou is willing to cooperate with all sectors of society, rely on the power of science and technology and professional services, continue to promote the process of enterprise financial intelligence.