The Intelligent Manufacturing + 5G Summit Forum was successfully held in Surabaya, Indonesia on June 8. Hosted by China Mobile InternationalHikvisionH3C, and Yonyou, the event focused on the economic development and transformation needs of the Surabaya region. It brought together experts and industry leaders to provide comprehensive solutions in smart manufacturing, supporting the digital transformation of local enterprises.

The Consulate General of China in Surabaya, Deputy Consul General Lai Dan, and Commercial Consul Liu Yongping, along with renowned entrepreneurs from Surabaya and the Chinese community, including Dr. Lin Wenguang, Wu Dehui, Xue Mingji, He Wenjin, Chen Hongyuan, Yang Yuanhui, Lin Wenzhu, Lin Wei, and hundreds of representatives from Chinese and Chinese-funded enterprises in Surabaya and its surrounding areas, attended this event. The event also received strong support from co-organizers, including Surabaya Chamber of Commerce, Huaren Headlines, Shan Hai map, Baijing Chuhai, and Qiandao Qifu.

During the event, several experts from China Mobile International, Hikvision, H3C, Yonyou, and Shan Hai map delivered keynote speeches, sharing the benefits and development opportunities that smart manufacturing and 5G technology can bring to manufacturing enterprises. They unanimously agreed that smart manufacturing would drive digital transformation, improve production efficiency and quality, and provide better decision-making support.

[Speech by Bruce Xu, Business Development Manager of Yonyou Singapore]

Mr. Bruce Xu, business development manager of Yonyou Singapore, was invited to attend the event and deliver a keynote speech on “Yonyou Empowers Overseas Manufacturing Enterprises to Build Digital Intelligence” Mr. Xu first reviewed Yonyou’s development journey. With 35 years of experience, Yonyou has become a global leader in enterprise cloud services and software providers. We have also been deeply involved in Southeast Asia for 15 years, deploying branches in multiple countries and providing enterprise management software and cloud services to over 500 Southeast Asian enterprises.

During the speech, Mr. Xu focused on sharing the operational and management challenges faced by “Belt and Road” enterprises during their overseas development and the demands and recommendations for enterprise management digitization at different stages of global development.

[Speech by Bruce Xu, Business Development Manager of Yonyou Singapore]

Furthermore, Mr. Xu showcased several digital transformation cases of overseas enterprises served by Yonyou in Indonesia. For example, in the Indonesian Industrial Park of Nanshan Aluminum, Yonyou has been involved in project management, supply chain, financial accounting, human resources, equipment and asset management, park management, and the construction of intelligent factory systems. Yonyou has built a unified data collection platform for the Nanshan Indonesia park, achieving industrial interconnection and supporting the needs of MES, quality inspection, safety and environment, and equipment management. The company has also developed a park operation and control system, enabling data sharing and collaboration in finance, assets, human resources, supply chain, quality, port transportation, and production, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and achieving fine-grained management of different industries within the park.

The presentation also included detailed examples of Yonyou’s ERP system application in Indonesian bonded zones and economic special zones to meet customs requirements.

During the discussion session, attendees actively discussed and shared their operational and management challenges encountered during their development in Indonesia, as well as their expectations and concerns about smart manufacturing. The experts provided practical and insightful suggestions in response.

The summit provided an important platform for learning, collaboration, and win-win cooperation for Chinese and Chinese-funded manufacturing enterprises venturing into Indonesia. Yonyou was honored to participate in this grand event, which has deepened our understanding of the current state and future opportunities in the field of smart manufacturing. In the future, we will continue to uphold the concept of open cooperation, dedicate ourselves to promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, and provide innovative solutions and comprehensive support to enterprises.